Start off !Take Spanish galleon sailing Croatia islands like Jack Sparrow!

Start off !Take Spanish galleon sailing Croatia islands like Jack Sparrow!


There is a clear blue sea in Greece and amazing islands.Here is a fairytale red roof of Prague.This is the European holiday garden.Croatia, the pearl of the Mediterranean, is Republic of southeast Europe at the junction of the Mediterranean and the panonia plains of the Balkans. Dont’t you wanna go on sailing holidays in croatia for your Mediterranean dream? Warm weather and water, yummy food and fascinating beauty, have these ever appeared in your travel plan? Don’t worry! Sailing Croatia islands will realize your dream.


The pearl of the Mediterranean, lies on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea of the Mediterranean Sea, which is said to be the best section of the Mediterranean Sea. Several of Croatia’s most famous ancient cities are located along this coastline. If you want to visit Croatia, Keep in mind that you follow the coastline first! So it is the premium paradise for sailing lovers to start sailing around Croatia. Of course, based on its numerous islands and good fame of holiday garden, Beyonce, Giorgio Armani and many other celebrities come in flocks to Croatia. Even it becomes the most famous location in the American TV series Game of Thrones because of the most beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea and the best preserved ancient wall in the middle ages. And the original site of king’s landing in game of thrones is located in Dubrovnik.


As for Dubrovink, it is definitely a good place for your croatia sailing holidays. Just few days ago, I booked the trip to Croatia, and suddenly found that I can take Spanish galleon which was one of flotilla sailing holidays. Croatia is very suitable for sailing tour. And you may feel amazed that it cost you only about 62 US dollars per person to enjoy the croatia sailing holidays when you aboard Spanish galleon.


Starting from Dubrovnik, aboard the copy version of the historic ancient sailing galleon and hit out to witness sea sightseeing, spectacular scenery and islands: Rozep Island, Lopud Island and Hippard Island. On the island, you can taste the traditional Croatian cuisine, watch the folk music performances brought by the island’s indigenous people, and appreciate the authentic Croatian folk customs in the tranquil town.On the ancient Spanish galleon, together with the wind and waves to explore the sea pearl. During the voyage, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the city wall along the coast of Dubrovnik and the beautiful blue sky of the Adriatic Sea. Among these, you can charter a sailing yacht with skipper or kayak to spend your sailing Croatia bareboat time for many days. By the way, you may run into Beyonce!


But then again, Dubrovnik is not the only destination. Sailing Croatia islands is full of various choices for sailing lovers. Kornati National Park is similarly the pride of Croatian island and very famous sailing destination. If you have spare time, setting your goal of sailing Croatia islands to Kornati National Park is of course a super excellent plan. This wonderful park is established in 1980 which contains 530 species of plants and more than 410 different animals species of deep sea and mythical creatures. great places for blue ocean photography.When you see this, your heart must ripple slightly. Let’s head for sailing Croatia islands!

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